The 36th National Immunization Conference of CDC

Spruce Room (Tower Building) (Adam's Mark Hotel)
Tuesday, April 30, 2002: 10:30 AM-12:00 PM

A15: The Economics of Implementing Immunization Protocols

Many immunization protocols have been proven efficacious but few have been examined through the lens of economic methods. As the number of recommended immunization protocols increases, many policy makers and providers are seeking methods of evaluation that go beyond examining efficacy so that they can best allocate scarce resources between different recommended programs. In this session, the work of three economists from the National Immunization Program will present economic evaluations of three recommended immunization programs.
Learning Objectives: After this session, the participant should be able to: 1) Understand how AFIX, Pertussis, and Polio can be evaluated using economic methodology. 2) Understand the challenges facing policy makers when deciding to allot scarce resources to different protocols. 3) Understand the economic impacts of outbreak response.

Moderator:Margaret S. Coleman
10:30 AMIntroductory Remarks
10:40 AMDeveloping a Methodology to Assess the Cost-Effectiveness of AFIX: Key Concepts
Margaret S. Coleman, Martin Meltzer, Husain Yusuf, John M. Stevenson, Shannon Stokley
11:00 AMEconomic Evaluation of an Outbreak Response Strategy: Post Polio Eradication
Nalinee Sangrujee
11:20 AMEconomic Evaluation of the Impact of September 2001 Pertussis Outbreak in Affected Families of Pike County Arkansas
Ismael R. Ortega-Sanchez, Amy Poel, Tejpratap Tiwari, Margaret Cortese, Kris Bisgard, Benjamin Schwartz, Trudy Murphy, Linda Gladden
11:40 AMDiscussion

The 36th National Immunization Conference of CDC