The 37th National Immunization Conference of CDC

Wednesday, March 19, 2003 - 4:05 PM

A Triad Approach to Marketing: Strategies and Materials to Reach Parents, Physicians and Office Staff

Linda A. Markell1, Cynthia O'Connor1, Takina Sinclair1, and Katie Reed2. (1) Immunization Action Plan, Onondaga County Health Department, 501 East Fayette Street, Syracuse, NY, USA, (2) CNY Immunization Registry, Partners in Health Systems, PO Box 249, 5703 Enterprise Parkway, Dewitt, NY, USA

Registry Marketing, Education and Promotion

Please Note: This abstract was previously submitted and presented in a very similar format at the October 2002 CDC Registry Conference.
In late 2001, the CNY Immunization Registry matured to a point where promotion to the public was appropriate and warranted. An educational and marketing campaign was created to raise awareness of the project. While increased participation in the physician community was paramount, this campaign also sought to increase enrollment of children whose primary care physicians were already in the Registry. In addition, newly interested parents could exert pressure on non-participating physicians to join. As this campaign progressed we recognized that increasing enrollment does not stop with physician recruitment and parental consent gaining. Support and commitment of the physician office staff is pivotal to make the changes required in both mindset and operating procedures. Marketing efforts have now evolved to an ongoing three-tiered approach targeting physicians, parents and office staff.

1. To provide an outline and methods used in marketing campaigns aimed at parents, physicians and office staff.
2. To provide attendees with ideas and samples of materials.

A marketing campaign targeting both parents and physicians was implemented and then evolved to include promotional and educational initiatives for office staff. The campaigns followed health education and social marketing.

Ideas developed by the CNY Immunization Registry can be modified and used by other projects.

Developing timely marketing campaigns with appealing materials for parents, physicians and office staff is critical for the growth of a registry.

1. Learn how a successful registry promotion marketing campaign recruits physicians and gains parental consents.
2. Learn strategies to reduce implementation barriers and to support office staff behavior changes to facilitate transition to optimal use of the Registry.

See more of Effective Strategies for Office Staff to Use to Promote Immunizations
See more of The 37th National Immunization Conference