The 37th National Immunization Conference of CDC

Monday, March 17, 2003 - 4:50 PM

Involving the American Academy of Pediatrics Chapter in Your State

Christopher Rizzo, Department of Pediatrics, The MetroHealth System, 2500 MetroHealth Dr. H455, Cleveland, OH, USA

American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), pediatricians, physicians, collaboration

Each state and many localities have AAP Chapters. These pediatrician organizations have experience advocating for children’s health and communicating with and educating their members and the public. The immunization delivery system is complex and requires public-private partnerships.

Identify ways local AAP Chapters can assist immunization efforts, especially as a liaison to the private sector, in order to improve existing services and to create new programs and partnerships leading to higher immunization rates and lower cases of vaccine preventable diseases.

The Ohio AAP Chapter is involved in immunization partnerships in many areas. Specific examples and lessons learned will be described. The Ohio AAP:
1) Collaborates with health organizations and public health partners.
2) Coordinates research and surveys.
3) Communicates with pediatricians about immunization policy.
4) Develops and provides continuing education materials for physicians and their staff.
5) Focuses on office-based improvement in immunization rates.
6) Develops and increases use of a centralized immunization registry.
7) Participates in legislative/advocacy efforts.
8) Promotes pediatrician partnerships.
9) Supports child care and school entry immunization requirements.
10) Supports physicians and clinics in vaccine purchase plans, coding and adequate reimbursement.
11) Increases provider participation in Vaccines for Children
12) Supports use of reminder and recall systems.
13) Works with the media to promote public awareness.


The AAP Chapter is a valuable resource and partner on immunization matters.
Increase awareness of areas that an AAP Chapter can improve immunization efforts across the public and private sector.

See more of Effective Community-Based Partnerships and Public-Private Collaboration Strategies to Increase Immunization Coverage
See more of The 37th National Immunization Conference