The 37th National Immunization Conference of CDC

Monday, March 17, 2003 - 4:35 PM

Effectiveness of Community-based Strategies for Promoting Immunizations

Sally E. Findley, M. Sanchez, M. Sajous, L. Guzman, and Matilde Irigoyen. Columbia University, 622 West 168th Street, VC 412, New York, USA

Community-based, outreach

Community outreach to promote immunization have tended to be stand-alone or single events with limited impact on immunization coverage rates. New outreach strategies are needed that are integrated, effective and sustainable.

To examine the effectiveness of integrated outreach and recruitment strategies to promote timely immunizations

A coalition of 23 community organizations in two low-income communities in NYC identified 5 models for integrating outreach and immunization promotion activities into existing social service programs. The coalition trained staff and volunteers of these organizations to include outreach and immunization promotion into their ongoing programs. We tracked outreach contacts and recruitment by program.

Between 9/2001 and 9/2002 coalition members did outreach in multiple events and programs to 5745 families. Of these 1969 enrolled their children in the immunization promotion program. Over half the outreach was done by adding immunization outreach to ongoing activities. Four programs with the highest enrollment rates: parenting skills training, facilitated SCHIP enrollment, child care/Head Start, and WIC.

Community organizations can effectively integrate immunization outreach and promotion into their regular service activities. Parents are eager to participate in the programs offered in this integrated approach. The integration also facilitates program sustainability, through regular contact with enrolled families and continuous opportunities to enroll new families.
Identify ways to incorporate immunization outreach and promotion into ongoing social service programs.

See more of Points of Contact — Statewide to Local Strategies for Adolescents and Children
See more of The 37th National Immunization Conference