Mitchel Rothholz1, Keith D. Marciniak
1, and Winning Student Chapter APhA-ASP
2. (1) American Pharmacists Association, 2215 Constitution Ave, NW, Washington, DC, USA, (2) American Pharmaceutical Association, 2215 Constitution Ave, NW, Washington, DC, USA
Pharmacists have been recognized as the most accessible health care professionals. Pharmacists and student pharmacists can serve as educators, facilitators and/or immunizers to ensure higher immunization rates and decrease vaccine preventable diseases. This project is a collaborative effort of the American Pharmacists Association's Academy of Students of Pharmacy (APhA-ASP) and the Student National Pharmaceutical Association (SNAPhA).
To utilize student pharmacists in the implementation of programs that will increase community awareness and access to immunizations.
Planning guides were distributed to all 87 schools of pharmacy and interested practitioners, containing materials for implementation of the campaign in their community. Follow-up surveys and reports were gathered to determine the level of participation and patient impact.
Reports from chapters are due in early January. It is anticipated we will receive reports containing new innovations and successful approaches. Many of the previous year's reports included collaboration with public health deaprtments, nurses, physicians, health centers and civic groups. The 2003 and 2004 national winner's programs will be featured.
Pharmacists and student pharmacists can be valuable immunization resources, advocates and providers. Student pharmacist involvement in immunization awareness campaigns can increase public understanding of the importance of immunizations and facilitate the delivery of immunizations. This project serves as a model for interdisciplinary participation among health care professional students and practitioners.
1. describe how to develop and implement an interdisciplinary, community-based immunization awareness campaign involving student pharmacists, practicing pharmacists, other health professionals and community organizations.