Christina Babin, Idaho Immunization Program-IRIS, Idaho Department of Health and Welfare, PO Box 83720, 450 West State Street, Boise, ID, USA and
Danielle Reader-Jolley, SIIS, Scientific Technologies Corporation, 4400 E. Broadway Blvd, Suite 705, Tucson, AZ, USA.
As Immunization Programs are asked to do more with less, innovative strategies are needed to continue targeted efforts for determining pockets of need and trending immunization coverage levels. Immunization registries, and registries paired with CASA, serve as a valuable data resource that can be easily accessed for evaluation activities at all levels.
1) Describe an approach used in Idaho to conduct a statewide assessment of 2 year olds using the Idaho Immunization Reminder Information System (IRIS) and the Clinical Assessment Software Application (CASA); 2) Share strategies for performing quantitative evaluation on large- and small-scale immunization efforts using registry data.
Immunization data is extracted from the registry using an export built for CASA. Text file exports can be saved as excel spreadsheets for simplified management and cross-referencing. Text files are imported into CASA, and data is further manipulated using features inherent in the CASA program. This procedure can easily be adapted to meet the needs of a statewide assessment or smaller outreach clinics/events.
This method was used to conduct to the 2003 Idaho 2 Year Old Survey, an annual survey of over 2,100 2 year olds statewide. Previous methodology took as long as 2 months to complete patient record retrieval and entry into CASA; whereas by using IRIS and CASA, record retrieval and data entry took less than 40 hours.
Significant staff resources can be saved by utilizing immunization technologies for conducting assessment activities. Quantitative assessments can also be performed at a much smaller level using the proposed methodology.
1. Participants will gain a better understanding of how registries and CASA can be maximized for quantitative evaluation functions.
2. Participants will learn the advantages and benefits of using existing data technologies for assessment of immunization efforts.
3. Participants will be able to list at least 2 current efforts where this strategy would be beneficial.