Wednesday, May 12, 2004

South Carolina ImmuNET Program

Antonio Boyd, HOPE worldwide, 121 Executive Center Drive, Suite 135, Columbia, SC, USA

HOPE worldwide South Carolina is a faith based volunteer organization with ten years of experience in community based door to door outreach to underimmunized populations. HOPE worldwide South Carolina has developed SCImmuNet a statewide immunization and education project, to create a network of service to help educate and immunize the state citizens.

The objectives of the SCImmunet project is to identify Community partners across the state. Use proven outreach methods to track and identify underimmunize children. Then educate parents about the need for immunization and the overall health of children and communities. The SCImmunet website serves as a source of information for community leaders and other health advocates and dissemenate best practices.

Data for the SCImmunet project is collected by volunteers through the use of a door to door outreach methods. It is also collected by a statewide electronic tracking system. The project also uses an independent evaluator for data collection.

Through the SCImmunet program HOPE worldwide South Carolina and community partners have reached over 400,000 children and families in the state over the last ten years. The program has help the states immunization rate rise to as high as 92%. The program has reached 5,000 hard to reach children this year and the website serves as a resource for parents and advocates across the state.

The SCImmuNet project has developed several proven methods of recruiting and training faith based volunteers for immunization outreach. The project proves that the MIA model is an effective method of follow up for underserved communities.

The Author proposes teach other advocates across the country the outreach and educational methods used by the immunet project. The Author also proposes to dissemenate best practices in mobilizing volunteers. As well as, teach advocates how to work with faith based volunteers and how to rally them around the immunization issues.

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