Thursday, May 13, 2004 - 11:45 AM

Respiratory Disease Prevention Campaign

Janet Yuen, Karina Celaya, Amanda Roth, Natalie Nakahara, and Marcy Jones. Immunization Branch, California Department of Health Services, 2151 Berkeley Way, Rm. 712, Berkeley, CA, USA

In addition to immunizations, practicing good hygiene can be effective in preventing the transmission of infectious respiratory diseases. With the 2003-2004 flu epidemic, the re-emergence of SARS, the lack of an adult pertussis vaccine, and the threat of bioterrorism, respiratory disease prevention has moved to the forefront of public health.

A variety of materials have been developed to encourage prevention of respiratory diseases by promoting appropriate respiratory hygiene behaviors. Materials will be used for the current influenza outbreak, pertussis awareness in the spring, and ongoing educational efforts. This campaign will also suggest how local health departments can integrate their prevention efforts into their bioterrorism/all hazards infrastructure.

• Materials and artwork in several languages have been developed for the general public and for schools.
• A flyer with outreach suggestions was developed to help partners use and distribute the materials.
• Letters, artwork, and materials were distributed to local health departments and schools for their use.
• The Department of Health Services participated with the Department of Education in three press conferences to launch a school respiratory prevention tool kit.
• Process evaluations are being conducted to evaluate the current effectiveness of the materials.
• American Academy of Pediatrics focus groups will be conducted on household guidance for prevention of pertussis transmission to infants younger than 6 months.
• Formative research will be conducted on consumers at the household level.
• Separate pertussis-specific campaign materials is currently being developed.
• Respiratory hygiene will be promoted during the National Infant Immunization Week (NIIW) Lungs Event.

Results of process evaluations should be available in spring 2004.

Feedback from the local level has been positive and many local health departments are using the materials and artwork.

• Develop appropriate materials and outreach strategies.
• Build local health department capacity to get disease control notices into the communities.

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