Albert Lopez
1, Jackie K. Workman
2, Tracy Danos-Healy
1, Erin Owen
1, and
Anne Cordon2. (1) San Diego Immunization Program, UC San Diego, County of San Diego Health and Human Services Agency, PO Box 85222, Mail Stop P511B, 3851 Rosecrans Street, San Diego, CA, USA, (2) San Diego Immunization Program, County of San Diego Health and Human Services Agency, PO Box 85222, Mail Stop P511B, 3851 Rosecrans Street, San Diego, CA, USA
To enhance registry recruitment and marketing activities to healthcare providers and new users to the web version of the San Diego Regional Immunization Registry (SDIR), two automated user's manuals were developed: one for regular users and one for read-only users. Marketing materials and an automated presentation addressing a comprehensive catalog of services were also developed to assist with recruitment. All materials, in print and automated, combine to form the “SDIR Marketing and Training Packet” and can be copied on CD-ROM as well as posted on the web.
To increase awareness of the versatility of a marketing and training packet for marketing comprehensive services, training and on-going support.
Automated user manual:
SDIR sent a staff member to FLASH software training. The manual for regular users took one month of part-time work to develop. The manual for read-only users took two days to develop. Once completed, the guides were tested and posted on the Immunization Program website. Multiple copies were made for distribution.
Marketing materials and automated presentation:
The automated presentation took one month working part-time to develop. Audio was added using a donated recording studio. The marketing materials were developed in Microsoft Publisher.
The SDIR Marketing and Training Packet is effective for provider recruitment and allows demonstration of the application without Internet access. Use of the automated training manual can decrease dependence on the registry Help Desk and support staff.
A marketing and training packet can free up valuable registry support staff and enhances marketing and outreach. Commitment to staff training or use of a subcontractor is required to develop this type of product.
Describe the advantages of developing a marketing and training packet.
See more of Break — Exhibit/Poster Viewing (Access Poster Abstracts Here)
See more of The 39th National Immunization Conference (NIC)