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Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Influenza Vaccination Coverage Levels Among Children Aged 6-23 Months, 2002-03 Influenza Season

Tammy A. Santibanez1, Gary L. Euler2, and Carolyn Bridges2. (1) National Immunization Program, CDC, 1600 Clifton Road, NE, Mailstop E-62, Atlanta, GA, USA, (2) VVPDB/ESD/NIP, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 1600 Clifton Rd., NE, MS E-61, Atlanta, GA, USA

Beginning in 2002, the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) encouraged, when feasible, that all children 6-23 months of age and the household contacts and out-of-home caregivers of children <2 years of age receive influenza vaccination each influenza season. National estimates of influenza vaccination coverage among these children, by demographic characteristics, have not been previously reported.

This study reports influenza vaccination coverage for the 2002-03 influenza season among children aged 6-23 months by demographic characteristics.

Data from the 2003 National Immunization Survey (NIS) were analyzed. The NIS is a national, random-digit-dial telephone survey that provides estimates of vaccination coverage among non-institutionalized children aged 19-35 months at the time of the household interview. Two measures of childhood influenza vaccination are reported: 1) receipt of one or more influenza vaccinations, and 2) fully vaccinated against influenza. Only children aged 6-23 months during September – December 2002 are included in the analyses. Chi-square tests were performed to test for associations between influenza vaccination status and demographic characteristics.

Overall, only 7.4% of children aged 6-23 months received one or more influenza vaccinations and only 4.4% were fully vaccinated. Influenza vaccination coverage was lower among: children living below the poverty level; non-Hispanic black children; children with less educated, unmarried, or young mothers; those with 4 or more children living in the household; children visiting only public clinics for vaccination; and children not up-to-date for other recommended vaccinations (all P<0.05).

During the first year of the ACIP encouragement for children aged 6-23 months to receive influenza vaccination, coverage was very low with significant demographic differences in receipt of the vaccination. For the 2004-05 influenza season, an ACIP recommendation replaces the weaker encouragement previously in place. Substantial work remains to fully and equitably implement this new recommendation.

To describe influenza vaccination coverage among children aged 6-23 months during the 2002-03 influenza season, the first year of the ACIP encouragement.

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See more of The 39th National Immunization Conference (NIC)