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Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Determining Immunization Rates Among Adolescents

Thad Wilson, School of Nursing, University of Missouri-Kansas City, HSB #104, 2220 Holmes, Kansas City, MO, USA and Daniel B. Fishbein, National Immunization Program, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 1600 Clifton Rd, NE, MS E-52, Atlanta, GA, USA.

The conceptual model for immunization practice includes an assessment of vaccine coverage. Results from the National Health Interview Survey (NHIS) have indicated that only 20.4% of parents of adolescents can locate an immunization record. More vaccines for adolescents will be available in the future.

The purpose of this study was to compare two methods to determine adolescent immunization rates.

A retrospective adolescent school record review was conducted and compared with a retrospective telephone survey for MMR, Td, Hepatitis B, DTaP and IPV. Following approval by and coordination with school health nurses, the two methods were conducted with consenting students/parents in three high schools in the Midwest. The study population was 3,248 ninth, eleventh and twelfth graders for the record review (2002) and 2,219 tenth and twelfth grade student/parent dyads for the telephone survey (2003). A random sample of 75 records per grade was used in the record review. A total of 909 dyads consented for the telephone survey.

Of the 675 records reviewed, 99.6% had evidence of MMR, Td, Hepatitis B, DTaP and IPV. Of the 909 dyads in the telephone survey, only 99 provided immunization data and 27 (2.97%) actually had an immunization record at the time of the call.

Determining adolescent vaccine coverage will be a challenge for our health care system. The time and effort to determine coverage using telephone surveys is not efficient. It was concluded that adolescent school immunization records were a good source for vaccination information. Telephone surveys, such as in this study and the NHIS, yield limited data.

Describe methods to assess adolescent immunization rates.
Compare two methods for determining adolescent immunization rates.

See more of Break — Exhibit/Poster Viewing (Access Poster Abstracts Here)
See more of The 39th National Immunization Conference (NIC)