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Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Successful Mass Influenza Clinics

Jean P. Williamson and Rebecca Asher. Anne Arundel County Department of Health, One Harry Truman Parkway, Annapolis, MD, USA

Anne Arundel County Department of Health administers over 25,000 doses of influenza vaccine yearly to County residents. With this year's flu shortage, the Department was tasked with suddenly altering its normal procedures for administration of vaccine to reach County residents most at risk.

Provide general guidance to planning and implementing a mass flu clinic, utilizing Incident Command.

In response to flu vaccine shortage in Fall 2004 when Chiron Corporation announced on October 5, 2004, that none of their influenza vaccine would be available for distribution in the United States, the Anne Arundel County Department of Health was forced to drastically alter plans for distribution of influenza vaccine to reach those County residents most at risk. Rather than provide an anticipated 30,000 doses of vaccine through 17 large scheduled flu clinics at senior centers and health centers, we were suddenly challenged to provide current 8,000 doses on hand through 2 mass clinics at high schools, utilizing incident command and community partners, to reach those residents at greatest need.

Two 8-hour clinics at centrally located high schools resulted in the administration of over 6,800 doses of influenza vaccine to eligible, County residents most at risk for influenza-related complications.

Pre-planning, utilizing Incident Command, forming partnerships with the school system and police, and staff training resulted in successful clinics for mass dispensing of vaccine.

Understand steps to help ensure smooth operation of mass vaccination clinics.

See more of Break — Exhibit/Poster Viewing (Access Poster Abstracts Here)
See more of The 39th National Immunization Conference (NIC)