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Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Introduction to the National Immunization Program - Briefing on Immunization Priorities, Goals and Challenges

Susan Van Aacken, National Immunization Program, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 1600 Clifton Road MS E-05, Atlanta, GA, USA

The mission of CDC's National Immunization Program (NIP) is to prevent disease, disability and death in children and adults through vaccination.

Session participants, including congressional staff, representatives from government affairs offices of major public health organizations, and officials from federal agencies most involved in immunization policy development, will be provided an overview of CDC's immunization programs. This update will be useful to individuals involved in policymaking within public health organizations, on Capitol Hill or within partner federal agencies.

Presenters will provide a review of CDC's National Immunization Program priorities, progress toward program goals and an overview of CDC's major domestic and international immunization programs and activities. In this interactive session participants will be encouraged to discuss the challenges, successes, and future of immunization policy issues and collaborative activities.

Program participants will obtain an understanding of CDC's immunization program priorities and goals, including information about major national and international program activities.

The federal legislative process has implications for international and national immunization programs, including activities at the state and local level. This briefing will provide participants with program information to support collaborative efforts to strengthen federal immunization policy.

#Policy professionals will be provided with an overview and update about CDC's immunization program and activities that will be assist them in developing or refining federal policies relevant to immunization.

See more of Break — Exhibit/Poster Viewing (Access Poster Abstracts Here)
See more of The 39th National Immunization Conference (NIC)