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Pilot-Testing Registry Training Standards of Excellence: A State Model

Tammy Pilisuk, Immunization Branch, CA Department of Health Services, 850 Marina Prkwy, Bldg. P, 2nd Floor, Richmond, CA, USA

Learning Objectives for this Presentation:
By the end of the presentation, participants will be able to understand California's training standards of excellence, their purpose, how they were developed, and how to adapt the self-assessment process for their own registry.

California has nine regional registries with variations in software used and training styles. In 2003, a statewide training curriculum was launched. In 2005, an assessment tool was developed to gage the implementation of recommended training protocols.

Objectives are to promote statewide consistency for registry training with medical office staff; Build competency of registry staff for hands-on computer instruction and ongoing customer service; Foster long-term provider retention; Increase registry user competence to use system fully and accurately; and Improve the overall quality and completeness of data entered.

A self-assessment instrument and accompanying instructions were developed based on the PROW model (levels I, II, and III of difficulty). Regional registries pilot-tested the assessment and measured their progress on proposed training standards.

Assessment findings were compiled in a summary report. Overall, California registries showed a high degree of adherance to most of the basic training standards and a willingness to more fully meet most training activities that were to date "partially met" or "could be met."

The assessment process was easy for registries to complete and provided a basis for measuring progress and identifying gaps in current training protocols. The tool is adaptable for any state to use.

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