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Vaccine Ordering and Accountability System: Integration with the CHILD Profile Immunization Registry (CPIR)

Janna Bardi, Washington State Department of Health, Box 47880, Olympia, WA, USA and Mike Garcia, Integrated Health Services, Scientific Technologies Corporation, 67 E. Weldon, Suite 110, Phoenix, AZ, USA.

Learning Objectives for this Presentation:

By the end of the presentation participants will be able to:
Understand the state of Washington's strategies for integrating a vaccine ordering and distribution system with their state immunization registry.
Identify the tools and standards required for the implementation of an vaccine ordering and distribution system.
Identify the key components and capabilities of a vaccine ordering and distribution system.


In an effort to align with federal vaccine distribution objectives and address immunization providers business requirements, Washington is developing and deploying an on-line vaccine ordering and accountability system. The system will be integrated into the state's statewide, population based immunization registry - CHILD Profile Immunization Registry (CPIR). Federal initiatives to centralize vaccine distribution will necessitate the integration of state immunization registries with the federal vaccine distribution system. Accountability and education efforts at the local level require vaccine ordering and distribution information in a timely manner. CPIR's vaccine ordering and accountability system will provide this information in a seamless manner to authorized CPIR users. Being a PHIN compliant, standard based application, it will also position Washington to easily integrate with the CDC's Vaccine Ordering and Distribution System (VODS). CPIR is one of the nation's most mature statewide immunization registries – in production for over 11 years; over 4.5 million patients, 20 million shots, 2500 active users, and 450 provider organizations.


Immunization providers to include private sector, public health, hospitals, state staff.


Immunization providers to include private sector, public health, hospitals, state staff.

Project Description:

Public health professionals will be provided with a presentation that will describe the strategies for the timing of the deployment of the vaccine ordering and accountability system.

Results/Lessons Learned:

Public health professionals will become more aware of the strategies, requirements, and lessons learned of designing and deploying a vaccine ordering and accountability system that can integrate easily into the CDC's VODS solution.

Web Page:

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See more of The 40th National Immunization Conference (NIC)