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Keeping Track of Idaho's TOTS

Nikki Sayer, District Seven Health Department, 254 E Street, Idaho Falls, ID, USA

Learning Objectives for this Presentation:

By the end of the presentation participants will be able to:
1.Illustrate how Idaho's immunization registry (IRIS) can benefit daycare providers in obtaining immunization records.
2.State two ways District Seven is assisting child care providers with immunization education and increasing immunization rates.


Idaho's Immunization Reminder Information System (IRIS) was implemented late 2000. It is a statewide system to help parents and physicians keep track of a child's immunization record. Information can be accessed by enrolled healthcare providers, schools or child care programs. Enrollment into IRIS is completely voluntary. District Seven Health Department routinely screens immunization records in daycare facilities and assists with document retrieval for parents using IRIS.


District Seven Health Department seeks to increase child care provider awareness and immunization rate. To achieve this goal, nurses are sent to child care facilities with an educational packet of immunization information as well as information on communicable diseases, first aid and IRIS benefits and enrollment procedures.


Daycare providers in an eight county area of Idaho.

Project Description:

A Public Health Nurse gains entrance into child care facility to inspect immunization records assisted by environmental health Idaho Child Care Provider licensure. Records are reviewed and reported pre IRIS record search and post IRIS record search. The child care facility is then given a letter and notification for parents with all immunizations needed.

Results/Lessons Learned:

Data was collected on 39 daycare facilities with 1,937 immunization records reviewed. The average percentage before IRIS look up was 70.3% complete according to Idaho State's Immunization Law (5 DTaP, 3 IPV, 2 MMR, Hib and 3 Hepatitis B administered according to ACIP recommendations). The average post IRIS lookup was 81.3%. This confirmed that IRIS is a useful immunization tool for daycare facilities to assist with record retrieval and tracking.

See more of Posters
See more of The 40th National Immunization Conference (NIC)