Abstract: Missouri's Vaccine University (43rd National Immunization Conference (NIC))

PS144 Missouri's Vaccine University

Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Grand Hall area
Jeannie L. Ruth

The increase in the number of new vaccines, along with changing VFC program requirements, has led to a need for ongoing and up-to-date education for Missouri's VFC providers. Such educational efforts should address identified needs for information and should be directed towards improving immunization knowledge and practices. Educational needs were identified through provider surveys and observations and an evaluation of provider site visit results. After discussing multiple training techniques, immunization program staff determined face-to-face group trainings throughout the state would be the most effective teaching method.

Public and Private medical facilities

Public and Private VFC Providers

Project Description:
Missouri's Vaccine University was developed to assist providers in optimizing their immunization practices. This training is offered free of charge to all VFC providers throughout the year. Topics covered by various presenters during this daylong event include, but are not limited to, the following: vaccine ordering and accountability; safety and legislation; scheduling and administration; storage and handling; a review of vaccine preventable diseases; and evidence-based strategies to improve immunization coverage levels. At this training, providers are given a variety of immunization materials including schedules, screening questionnaires, the most current Pink Book, the “Storage and Handling Toolkit” and “Immunization Works” CDs, and many other resources. Missouri's Immunization Program has been able to provide these trainings for less than $50 per participant.

Results/Lessons Learned:
Missouri's Vaccine University has proven to be a fun yet effective method of educating our VFC providers. It has resulted in improved immunization practices throughout the state and better relationships between Missouri Immunization Program and its providers. It continues to be successful and has grown in popularity each year.
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