Abstract: Implementation of Online Vaccine Ordering in Washington State (43rd National Immunization Conference (NIC))

PS82 Implementation of Online Vaccine Ordering in Washington State

Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Grand Hall area
Jan Hicks-Thomson
Mike Bin
Belinda Baker

Web-based provider vaccine ordering through Immunization Information Systems (IIS) promotes improved operational efficiency, inventory management and accountability. The Washington State Department of Health Immunization Program CHILD Profile (IPCP) has transitioned to online web-based vaccine ordering through the Vaccine Ordering & Management System (VOMS) module of our IIS, CHILD Profile Immunization Registry and Health Promotion System.

IPCP, 35 local health jurisdictions (LHJ) and 1250 private providers offices in Washington state.

IPCP, LHJ and provider staff.

Project Description:
VOMS is being implemented in three steps: 1) user piloting with application refinement which took approximately 6 months and was completed in spring 2008; 2) LHJ use which was completed in December 2008; 3) private provider use. Currently, 100% of provider vaccine orders are entered and approved by LHJ staff through VOMS. State IPCP staff use VOMS to review and approve all vaccine orders, and to upload them to VACMAN. Implementation at the provider level is being initiated.

Results/Lessons Learned:
The transition to online vaccine ordering has required a substantial investment in staff time and effort. Pilot activities were crucial in identifying technical refinements to VOMS and vaccine management process changes. Online ordering appears to improve vaccine ordering efficiency and needs further evaluation.
Lessons learned include the need to establish parameters within the system that will identify order anomalies automatically and refine work flow processes to ensure order accuracy in a paperless system. VOMS implementation has also shifted the focus of state IPCP staff from data entry to quality assurance. Fewer staff are needed for data entry and work assignments have changed to reflect the new way of doing business.
VOMS enhancements to accommodate all aspects of vaccine management, including tracking, inventory and accountability are planned.
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