Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Grand Hall area
Non-VFC providers have not traditionally been a target group for enrollment into the San Antonio Immunization Registry System (SAIRS). As SAIRS began to market the benefits of a life span registry, the need to obtain immunization records from those providers who administer vaccines to adults and privately insured children was recognized. Additionally, in order to achieve Healthy People 2010 goals of increasing participation in immunization registries, recruitment of additional providers is essential
Private practices, health clinics, pharmacies, schools, daycare facilities, women shelters, homeless shelters
San Antonio/Bexar County residents and residents of surrounding counties
Project Description:
Provider recruitment lists were obtained through the local medical society and from health care provider directories. SAIRS recruitment materials were mailed to those providers identified as non-registry enrollees. Pediatric provider offices received at least four telephone follow-up inquiries. Those that responded positively received face to face educational assistance visits outlining the benefits of SAIRS. Conducted SAIRS educational in-services at annual regional school health director meeting and local immunization collaborative meeting where potential providers were in attendance.
Results/Lessons Learned:
This intense six month community-wide outreach campaign targeting the non-VFC providers was highly successful. Over 84% of those contacted either agreed to either submit data to the registry or use the registry to assess patient's immunization status. Focusing recruitment energies toward diverse immunizers has resulted in immunization records that are comprehensive and more useful to our life span registry.