Background: The AMA is the nation's largest physician organization. As the 2009/2010 Influenza season began, the AMA realized a unique opportunity to support the educational efforts of CDC and to take a primary role in educating physicians about H1N1 and seasonal influenza through multple mechanisms.
Setting: This effort used web based resources, as well as live events, print materials and other communications.
Population: The even was primarily targeted at physicians, but other health care providers were welcome to use our resources.
Project Description: The AMA began this effort in early 2009 at the outset of the H1N1 outbreak. Increased communications to member physicians and a coordinated effort by several divisions at AMA supported messaging from the CDC. In the fall of 2009, the AMA developed a full scale education and communications plan. This included development of a full web "microsite" for physicians, hosting a webinar in Septmenber and again in November, and the development of multiple communications materials. In addition, the AMA was instrumental in providing rapid development of CPT coding for billing.
Results/Lessons Learned: The AMA maintained a vital information pipeline to its member physicians and others. By disseminating key information from the CDC, physicians were able to stay up to date on the current management of influenza in real time, as well as provide consisitent messaging to their patients and communities.