25198 Provider Feedback about the New York State H1N1 Vaccination Campaign

Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Columbia Hall

Background: Beginning in October 2009, the New York State Department of Health launched a statewide H1N1 vaccination campaign.   To better understand the provider and patient perspectives of successes and failures during the campaign, the NYSDOH Bureau of Immunization conducted an evaluation between June and August 2010.

Objectives:   To determine the efficacy of the H1N1 Vaccination Campaign in New York State from providers’ perspective, identify best practices, and make recommendations for future vaccination campaigns during pandemics.

Methods:   Paper and electronic versions of a survey, with both closed and open-ended questions, were distributed to: 1) providers at approximately 3000 NYS medical facilities who registered and ordered vaccine, and 2) approximately 600 NYS facilities who registered but did not order.  The survey was sent to facilities 3 times between June and August 2010 to increase response rates.

Results: The response rates for providers who ordered vaccine and those who did not order vaccine were 48% and 40% respectively. Closed-ended responses suggested providers were mostly satisfied with the H1N1 campaign; open-ended responses revealed more complex and negative perceptions about the campaign’s efficacy.  Providers’ responses revealed several predominant themes, including the under-utilization of nasal spray, negative perceptions of thimerosal, fax and emails as preferred modes of communication in a pandemic, and perceptions of patient attitudes and behavior regarding H1N1 vaccine.

Conclusions: The majority of providers who ordered H1N1 vaccine through the NYSDOH reported they would order vaccine through a similar campaign if a pandemic were to occur in the future.  However, they had specific concerns and recommendations for improving future vaccination campaigns.