25572 Statewide Rollout of Online Vaccine Ordering: Lessons Learned and Best Practices

Tuesday, March 29, 2011: 4:30 PM

Background: Several states in the IWeb Consortium (AK, AZ, ID, LA, MS) initiated statewide rollout and implementation of an online vaccine ordering and management system in 2010.  The vaccine ordering functionality is integrated directly with the IIS and the associated vaccine management tools.  CDC plans for launching VTrckS, in conjunction with other State-directed initiatives and priorities were the impetus for rolling out the new functionality.  Each state used different rollout strategies and training techniques resulting in valuable lessons learned and best practices.  These lessons can provide a roadmap for other states preparing for the launch of VTrckS and/or ExIS integration.

Setting: Alaska, Arizona, Idaho, Louisiana, Mississippi

Population: State VFC Programs, participating providers

Project Description: Each state adopted a unique strategy to rollout and implement the online vaccine ordering module.  Strategies included phased rollouts, public clinics only, centralized data entry (local or state level) or direct entry by each participating provider.  Training methods utilized included in-person trainings, live web demos, telephone assistance/support, recorded videos and/or customized written materials.  The timeframe for each rollout ranged from a phased approach over time to short ramp up with immediate cut-over.

Results/Lessons Learned: States will summarize their experiences and highlight approaches that worked, along with those that didn’t and what they would suggest doing differently.  As all states prepare for the launch of VTrckS, the experiences of AK, AZ, ID, LA and MS with statewide implementation of online vaccine ordering will provide valuable insight to others during the planning and implementation processes.