24739 Text4baby Promotional Strategy

Judith Meehan, BS, National Healthy Mothers, Healthy Babies Coalition, National Healthy Mothers, Healthy Babies Coalition, Alexandria, VA

Background:  This session will address the process of promoting the text4baby program to end users. 

Program background:  A wide range of promotional strategies drive end users to sign up for the program to receieve messages about prenatal care and postpartum care, newborn health and child development. 

Evaluation Methods and Results:  Ultimately, it is user registration for the text4baby service which is the best measure for evaluating efforts to drive enrollment. This session will offer information about a segment of the promotional strategy which is key - outreach partner engagement.  It will address the effectiveness of the process used to involve colleagues in industry, goverment, major medical associations, and nonprofit organizations at the national, state and community level that have vested interest in promoting text4baby.

Conclusions:  Partners in public health have potential for great impact when there is broad-based buy-in for an issue/program or cause, when appropriate tools are inherent to the strategy and when regular communication is intrinsic to the program. 

Implications for research and/or practice:  There is great value to a broad-based strategy and the coalition model for engaging a wide array of partners for projects that have an end goal of promoting health and preventing disease to community-based, statewide, and national programs.