Background: This nationally unique Health Power for Minorities (Health Power), Communication Network provides customized, authoritative, user-friendly and culturally relevant digital health related information and promotion services, materials and tools for minority health improvement to help “Bridge the Divide” between the health of racial, ethnic and other underrepresented populations and that of ‘mainstream America’.Health Power is independently ranked by Google, Yahoo and Bing as the leading source of health information for minorities, worldwide, representing over 90 percent of the global search engine market, Our website, which was developed under a conceptual framework of “3 D’s” – Disparities, Demographics, and Digitalization - has now grown into a multichannel digital National Minority Health Communication Network.
Program background: The centerpiece of our Communication Network is a website with dual infrastructure for segmented marketing: separate (a) racial and ethnic channels, and (b) gender and age channels. Other key Network features include:
- Blog,
- Social Media Network, including Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google +, and YouTube;
- “What It Means”, an A to Z Glossary with a photo for each term,
- Food and Fitness Channel with a Food and a Fitness Branch;
- “Teen Power” web site,
- 15 Major Killers and Disablers’ sub-sections;
- Mental and Spiritual Health Channels;
- Tip Sheets for Minority Health;
- Cross-linked Web Partners for Minority Health (20+);
- Resource Directory for Minority Health.
- Planned 24/7 video library and a broadcast system.
Evaluation Methods and Results: - Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Position – No. 1 position worldwide with Google, Yahoo and Bing, - Number of Website Users – More than 100,000/month until new site recently launched which is now in the process of re-growing and further expanding site traffic, - Number of Facebook Likes – Currently more than 17,000 and growing, - Opt-in e-blast audience of 4,000 and steadily increasing, - Presence of more than 25 Contributing Editors and Advisors, - Presence of more than 20 cross-linked web partners for minority health, - Testimonials and comments regarding our content.
- There are major challenges and opportunities associated with developing much needed digital minority health communication networks in this “Digital World”;
- Special challenges experienced in developing digital minority health systems under both non-profit and small business governance models, must be addressed.
- Strategic partnerships with private, non-profit and governmental sectors are essential to leverage the outstanding opportunities that exist for minority health improvement through digital interventions.