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Tuesday, October 30, 2007 - 10:30 AM

Status of Preconception Health in California, 2005

Moreen Libet, Aldona Herrndorf, FloJaune Griffin, and Amy Godecker. Maternal, Child & Adolescent Health/ Office of Family Planning Branch, California Department of Public Health, 1615 Capitol Avenue, MS 8304, P.O. Box 997413, Sacramento, CA, USA

In California and nationally, a high proportion of women receive first-trimester prenatal care, and their health behaviors improve after they know they are pregnant. Yet, the low birth-weight rate has not decreased, the infant mortality rate remains excessively high, and marked racial/ethnic disparities persist. Since these poor reproductive outcomes are often determined before women know they are pregnant, and about half of pregnancies are unintended, preconception health has become a priority.

To provide data to guide targeting as well as provide a baseline for evaluation of California's preconception health efforts.

2005 California Women's Health Survey (CWHS) data were analyzed to obtain the prevalence among non-pregnant California women of childbearing age (18-44) (N=2037) of MCH program-related risk factors for adverse reproductive outcomes. The CWHS is a population-based, random-digit-dialed telephone survey in English and Spanish only.

Frequencies of risk conditions were high, and disparities pronounced. The frequency for one or more groups was at least twice that of another group for: daily smoking - 13% of blacks, 12% of whites, 4% of Hispanics; drinking alcohol in past month - 69% of college graduates, 58% of women with (only) some college, 26% of non-high school (HS) graduates; daily folic acid use - 16% of non-HS graduates, 35% of women with some college, 45% of college graduates, and 20% of Hispanics, 39% of blacks, and 45% of whites; diabetes - 6% of Hispanics, 3% of whites; intimate partner physical violence - 14% of blacks, 5% of whites; frequent mental distress - 18% of non-HS graduates, 8% of college graduates. A study limitation is that responses are self-report, with differentially biased answers possible among subgroups.

Conclusion and implications for practice:
The preconception health of non-pregnant California women of childbearing age is poor, and major disparities exist. California must improve pre-conception care and education and reduce demographic disparities to improve the health and well-being of its population and reduce long-term spending on the health care for preventable adverse birth outcomes.