WP 156 Study on the Vulnerabilities of Black Women's Maroon Community of Tijuaçu, Senhor Do Bonfim, Bahia, Brazil

Tuesday, June 10, 2014
International Ballroom
LORENA OLIVEIRA, PHARMACEUTICAL, Patricia Martins, Nutritionist and Adenilde Santos, Social worker, Reference Center for Sexual Health, Reference Center for Sexual Health, Senhor do Bonfim, Brazil

Background:Vulnerability refers to the way an individual behaves in the social environment, considering the degree of awareness and attitudes towards prevention and sexual health care. The aim was to identify the implications of race in vulnerabilities Black Women maroon community of Tijuaçu. 

Methods: Descriptive study with quantitative analysis, sample of 72 women from the community, held on March 7 and May 6, 2013. Offered pre-test counseling collective (videos), then applied questionnaire (individual) and all signed an informed consent form. Analyzed variables: race/color (self-reported), age, marital status, education, type and quantity of sexual partners in the last 12 months, sources of exposure, use of condom, STD submitted in the last 12 months and testing for HIV. Rapid Diagnostic Test performed TRD-HIV I / II, and delivery of results, condoms. Was used to analyze Epi info 3.5.2.

Results:  In race/color 58 % reported black, 31 % brown and 11 % white; Mean age 38 years, ranging from 15-90 years, low education ( 6 % illiterate, 19 % 1-3 years of study and 25 % 4-7 years), 69% married/stable and 19 % were single, 100 % heterosexual, 10 % of these did not own sex life in the past 12 months, 83 % possessed a single sexual partner and 6 % had two. Display Type: 86% reported unprotected intercourse, 58% never used condom and 21% sometimes. DST in the last 12 months 8%, 43% drink or have drunk often and 1% have used other types of drugs, 53% were examined for the first time with 100% result nonreactive.

Conclusions: A high rate of women who did not use condom, sexually active and frequent use of alcohol, make them vulnerable to HIV and other STDs. Given the above, it is necessary to deploy/implement education initiatives combating sexual beliefs and misconceptions and therefore subsidizing combat the epidemic.