Monday, 28 October 2002: 1:00 PM-2:00 PM

Maestro B (The DoubleTree Hotel)

A6: Grow: Technical Challenges and Innovations — Part I

Moderator:Amanda Bryant
1:00 PM 15Technology Assessment: Moving Rhode Island’s KIDNET Forward
Amy Zimmerman-Levitan, Kim Salisbury-Keith, Noam H Arzt, Michael C Berry
1:15 PM 16Design of an Electronic Tracking and Management System for Childhood Immunisation
Bernie Ó Cuilleanáin, Damon Berry
1:30 PM 17Overcoming Barriers with Implementing Immunization Registries
Christina Humphrey, Robert Conn
1:45 PM 18Keep the Registry Stakeholders Informed with Automated Feedback - Idaho
Christina Humphrey, Robert Conn

The 2002 Immunization Registry Conference of CDC