The 36th National Immunization Conference of CDC

Columbine Room (Tower Building) (Adam's Mark Hotel)
Tuesday, April 30, 2002: 4:30 PM-6:00 PM

B10: Registry Participation: Getting Providers on Board

Improving provider participation in an immunization registry is essential to the success of the registry. Strategies for recruiting providers include cultivating and maintaining partnerships and improving provider acceptance.
Learning Objectives: Participants will be able to identify ways to increase provider participation in a registry through recruitment and partnerships.

Moderator:Karen Fowler
4:30 PMIntroductory Remarks
4:40 PMEnrollment Strategies Extrapolated From Provider/Patient Coverage Increase Within A Primarily Rural State
Shawn M. Box
5:00 PMPublic, Private and Community Partnerships in Registry Recruitment
Maureen K. Murphy, Tamsan Cleveland, Katie Reed
5:20 PMKey Steps to Implementing a New Physician into the Regional Registry
Kelly M. Ogden
5:40 PMDiscussion

The 36th National Immunization Conference of CDC