Background: General public fear over the pending H1N1 flu pandemic, combined with vaccine delivery delays and shortages, created an “action” void for
Setting: Prevention thru adhering to the three “C’s” was the central theme of the “Flu Fighters” Campaign. “Cover, Clean and Confine” was the prevention mantra which resonated in all media settings.
Population: The target audience for this campaign spanned the 8200 square miles of the urban and rural areas of
Project Description: A parody of the famous rock band the “Foo Fighters”, the “Flu Fighter” campaign incorporated the youthfulness of cartoon characters, the serious message of prevention and reinforced empowerment. The “Flu Fighters” Campaign was designed and targeted at four specific target groups; adolescents, parent, teenagers and businesses. Delivered with the talent of children’s voices, the “Flu Fighters” prevention campaign drew in young children and adults. The teenage “Flu Fighters” campaign was developed with a local high school production class and drama class. The key elements were modified but the core “Flu Fighter” design was maintained. The business “Flu Fighters” campaign also modified the core “Flu Fighter” design but adjusted to meet the business acumen. The “Flu Fighters” campaign included an audio logo with the “Flu Fighters” theme. “Flu Fighter” characters were incorporated on billboards, car magnets, pole banners, bus posters, mini-hand sanitizers, newspaper advertisements, bus poster, television commercials and all related promotional items.
Results/Lessons Learned: Combined with a unique co-branding strategy, the “Flu Fighter” campaign created a communication synergy within the community, companies and agencies.