35759 Story Telling: Connecting to Your Target Audience through Relatable and Personal Stories

Sjonna Paulson, APR, Oklahoma Tobacco Settlement Endowment Trust, Oklahoma City, OK and Greta Anglin, Bachelor, of, Science, VI Marketing & Branding, Oklahoma City, OK

Background:  Like cigarette smoking, the use of smokeless or spit tobacco produces nicotine addiction and is associated with serious health consequences. Compared to other states, Oklahoma has a high rate of smokeless tobacco use. The percentage of adults in Oklahoma who currently use smokeless tobacco was 6.9% in 2012 compared the national average of 4.4%.

Program background:  The Oklahoma Tobacco Settlement Endowment Trust (TSET) is the main funder for the Oklahoma Tobacco Helpline (OTH). The OTH is a free service available by phone or online for all Oklahomans with a desire to quit smoking or using other tobacco products including smokeless. With a higher than average smokeless tobacco rate in the state and not a significant amount of smokeless tobacco users calling the Helpline, TSET wanted to increase awareness of the OTH to smokeless users. A gentleman from Atoka, Oklahoma caught the attention of TSET as a way to reach and resonate with this specific target.  His story inspired an entire campaign that ran in both Oklahoma and Arkansas and changed countless lives. James Capps is a born and raised Oklahoman. He is a rancher, a husband, a father, a former smokeless user and now, an inspiration to many. When James found out he had oral cancer in 2001, he knew that his life and his family’s life would be changed forever. What he did not know at the time was that by sharing his story, he would also change and save the lives of people he had never met. James’s story was captured through video and photo and a personal testimonial campaign developed. A targeted media buy was placed focusing on smokeless users - men mostly in rural and low SES communities. The campaign launched across Oklahoma with TV, print ads, radio, billboards and social media. The campaign had a heavy two-week launch and continues to run in highly targeted media across the state.

Evaluation Methods and Results:  Calls to the OTH from smokeless users increased 265% in the first two weeks of the campaign. The first week had 95 smokeless users call the Helpline and the second week had 124, an average week without the campaign has 30 smokeless user calls per week. In addition to the increase in smokeless users, the Helpline saw a dramatic increase in male smokers calling to quit. Overall call volume was up 51% during the first two weeks of the campaign.

Conclusions:  The combination of a highly targeted media campaign with a message that resonates emotionally with the target can inspire people to take the first step to a healthier life.

Implications for research and/or practice:  Hearing and seeing James tell his own emotional story was what made the media campaign so successful. The tactic of testimonials is an emotional and compelling way to relate to and motivate the target to take action. But the story must be one that resonates with the target audience like James Capps and Oklahoma smokeless user.