Meeting the Unique Needs of Diverse Populations: Creating Messaging and Tools Based on Differences Among Your Audiences
Thursday, August 21, 2014: 8:00 AM-9:30 AM
Hanover C/D/E
Diabetes, Mental Health, and Wellness: Developing Culturally Appropriate Tools to Meet the Needs of American Indians and Alaska Natives
Michelle Owens-Gary, PhD, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention;
Selena Ramkeesoon, MBA, MLS, BA, ICF International;
Judith McDivitt, PhD, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Leveraging Trusted Networks to Educate Multicultural Communities about Bones, Joints, Muscles, Skin, and Pain
Mimi Lising, MPH, NIH;
Sara Rosario Wilson, BA, NIH;
Allisen Stewart, MA, NIH;
Deepa Chhatwal, M.S., PMP, IQ Solutions, Inc.;
Kim Holmes, B.S., PMP, IQ Solutions;
Nate Robinson, B.S., IQ Solutions;
Scott Jones, B.S., Certified Web Analyst, IQ Solutions, Inc.