Thursday, August 17, 2017: 12:45 PM-2:15 PM
Centennial III
Transgender people experience a number of health disparities, including a greater burden of HIV and AIDS among transgender women. Although data are limited and not uniformly collected, recent studies estimate that transgender women have a disproportionately high prevalence of HIV infection, though many individuals may not know their status. Additionally, social and structural factors (e.g., provider insensitivity and lack of healthcare access) create HIV prevention challenges within the transgender community. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is developing a number of communication efforts to reduce HIV risk among transgender people, including expanding the Act Against AIDS (AAA) initiative and developing the HIV Risk Reduction Tool (HRRT). Launched in 2009, AAA is an umbrella initiative combating HIV and AIDS complacency in the United States by raising awareness and working to reduce HIV among the hardest hit populations, and HRRT is an interactive website that delivers comprehensive and customizable information about HIV risk and prevention, including messages tailored for transgender people. Extensive formative research was conducted to ensure that these efforts adequately meet the needs of transgender people at risk for acquiring or transmitting HIV. Data collection activities included interviews with transgender people and healthcare providers who serve this population, an expert consultation with representatives from academia, clinical settings, government, and community-based organizations, and ongoing engagement of an advisory group of key stakeholders. This panel synthesizes lessons learned from these research and stakeholder engagement activities to inform the development of communication tools that are inclusive of transgender people.
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